Quotes from Margaret Mead
Women are scolded both for being mothers and for not being mothers, for wanting to eat their cake and have it too, and for not wanting to eat their cake and have it too.
- Margaret Mead
We end up with the contradictory picture of a society that appears to throw its doors wide open to women, but translates her every step towards success as having been damaging.
- Margaret Mead
We know of no culture that has said, articulately, that there is no difference between men and women except in the way they contribute to the creation of the next generation.
- Margaret Mead
Women have an important contribution to make.
- Margaret Mead
Fathers are biological necessities, but social accidents.
- Margaret Mead
Nobody has ever before asked the nuclear family to live all by itself in a box the way we do. With no relatives, no support, we've put it in an impossible situation.
- Margaret Mead
EARTH DAY reminds the people of the world of the need for continuing care which is vital to Earth's safety.
- Margaret Mead
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Mead
Human nature is potentially aggressive and destructive and potentially orderly and constructive.
- Margaret Mead
Life in the twentieth century is like a parachute jump: you have to get it right the first time.
- Margaret Mead
Sisters is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship.
- Margaret Mead
Prayer does not use up artificial energy, doesn't burn up any fossil fuel, doesn't pollute. Neither does song, neither does love, neither does the dance.
- Margaret Mead