Quotes from MFK Fisher
If time, so fleeting, must like humans die, let it be filled with good food and good talk, and then embalmed in the perfumes of conviviality.
- MFK Fisher
There is a communion of more than our bodies when bread is broken and wine drunk.
- MFK Fisher
I can no more think of my own life without thinking of wine and wines and where they grew for me and why I drank them when I did and why I picked the grapes and where I opened the oldest procurable bottles, and all that, than I can remember living before I breathed.
- MFK Fisher
Life is hard, we say. An oyster's life is worse. She lives motionless, soundless, her own cold ugly shape her only dissipation.
- MFK Fisher
In general, I think, human beings are happiest at table when they are very young, very much in love or very alone.
- MFK Fisher
On the other hand, a flaccid, moping, debauched mollusc, tired from too much love and loose-nerved from general world conditions, can be a shameful thing served raw upon the shell.
- MFK Fisher
There is a communion of more than our bodies when bread is broken and wine drunk.
- MFK Fisher
Family dinners are more often than not an ordeal of nervous indigestion, preceded by hidden resentment and ennui and accompanied by psychosomatic jitters.
- MFK Fisher
There's a communion of more than our bodies when bread is broken and wine drunk.
- MFK Fisher