Quotes from John Eldredge
For the most part, boys are very physical. It's not enough for them to be told they have what it takes and they have greatness. They have to discover for themselves. We learn by doing. The doing has to be somewhat physical.
- John Eldredge
It was men who stopped slavery. It was men who ran up the stairs in the Twin Towers to rescue people. It was men who gave up their seats on the lifeboats of the Titanic. Men are made to take risks and live passionately on behalf of others.
- John Eldredge
It was only after 20 years of being dunked in the religious culture that I got caught up in 'religion.' I had no exposure to Christianity as a child. I was not raised in a Christian home. I became spiritually hungry in high school.
- John Eldredge
A man's calling is written on his true heart, and he discovers it when he enters the frontier of his deep desires.
- John Eldredge
Every man is a warrior inside. But the choice to fight is his own.
- John Eldredge
Adventure, with all its requisite danger and wildness, is a deeply spiritual longing written into the soul of man.
- John Eldredge
For after years of living in a cage, a lion no longer even believes it is a lion . . . and a man no longer believes he is a man.
- John Eldredge
She is the crescendo, the final, astonishing work of God. Woman. In one last flourish creation comes to a finish with Eve. She is the Master's finishing touch.
- John Eldredge
A man must have a battle to fight, a great mission to his life that involves and yet transcends even home and family.
- John Eldredge
So long as man remains no real threat to the Enemy, Satan's line to him is 'You're fine'. But after you do take sides, it becomes 'Your heart is bad and you know it'.
- John Eldredge
Mary had Joseph. Esther had Mordecai. Ruth had Boaz. We will not become the women God intends us to be without the guidance, counsel, wisdom, strength, and love of good men in our lives.
- John Eldredge
Sometimes the idea of living as a hermit appeals to all of us. No demands, no needs, no pain, no disappointments. But that is because we have been hurt, are worn out.
- John Eldredge