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Quotes from John Eldredge

What you must cling to is that you have died with Christ in the cross; sin no longer has to rule over you. You have a choice!
- John Eldredge
The father is to speak into his son's heart deep affirmation. Yes, you do. You have what it takes. He needs a hundred experiences that will help him get there, and he is wounded and emasculated when he is kept from those experiences, or left on his own to interpret them, or when no one is there to help him in his journey toward initiation.
- John Eldredge
The enemy's whole plan is based on agreements. When we agree with the demonic forces suggesting things to us, we come under their influence.
- John Eldredge
They fear exposure, fear being seen as weak. That's why other men would rather work late than come home and talk to their wives or their children. They know what to do at work; they don't know what to do in their most important relationships.
- John Eldredge
Be men of courage; be strong. —1 CORINTHIANS 16:13 NIV
- John Eldredge
Do not diminish the wounds you have received because you have heard far worse stories than yours; minimizing the impact of a wound never heals it. Jesus cares about it all.
- John Eldredge
May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world" (Gal. 6: 14).
- John Eldredge
The greatest enemy of true faith has always been religion (notice who Jesus reserves his harshest words for), and a religious attitude is not what we are after.
- John Eldredge
Set your phone alarm so that three times a day you stop, love God, and give him your allegiance. I love you, God. I love you, God. I love you. I give you my allegiance. I choose you over all things. Give me the strength that prevails.
- John Eldredge
Forgiveness is not saying it didn't matter; it is not saying we simply choose to overlook the offense. Forgiveness is saying the cross is enough—we require no further payment than Jesus paid. Forgiveness is releasing the person to God for him to deal with.
- John Eldredge
This is every man's deepest fear: to be exposed, to be found out, to be discovered as an impostor, and not really a man.
- John Eldredge
We forgive those who harmed us. And then, with an open heart, we simply as Jesus to heal us.
- John Eldredge