Quotes from John Eldredge
Four times in this passage alone Jesus repeats himself, to make it perfectly clear: his sheep hear his voice. We are meant to hear the voice of God. This is one of the lost treasures of Christianity—an intimate, conversational relationship with God is available, and is meant to be normal.
- John Eldredge
When we recover the humanity of Jesus, it helps us find him in the messy parts of our own humanity, of humanity at large. We discover for ourselves the vast richness and beauty of his heart. If his heart is such, in whose image we are made and are being remade, might our own hearts one day be so rich?
- John Eldredge
There is nothing so inspiring to a man as a beautiful woman.
- John Eldredge
Jesus said, "Do not throw your pearls to pigs" (Matt. 7:6). By this we don't think he was calling some people pigs. He was saying, "Look—be careful that you do not give something precious to someone who, at best, cannot recognize its beauty, or at worst, will trample on it." Consider your feminine heart and beauty your treasure, your pearls.
- John Eldredge
You are the son of a kind, strong, and engaged Father, a Father wise enough to guide you in the Way, generous enough to provide for your journey. His first act of provision happened before you were even born, when he rescued you through the life, death, and resurrection of our elder brother, Jesus of Nazareth. Then he called you to himself—perhaps is calling you even now—to come home to him through faith in Christ.
- John Eldredge
Finally, we choose to believe it's happening.
- John Eldredge
You make no agreements with whatever the temptation or accusation is.
- John Eldredge
Jesus, I give my heart to your kingdom; I am made for your kingdom and nothing else will do.
- John Eldredge
Life will provide a thousand sessions for raising the warrior God calls you to be. Turn your radar on during the day, and intentionally don't take the path of least resistance.
- John Eldredge
Nothing is truly lost. This is going to come back to me; this will be in one of my treasure chests Jesus will restore to me.
- John Eldredge
That's the key word—engage. Choose to engage and your weary warrior wakes up.
- John Eldredge
It then occurred to me that after God made all this, he pronounced it good, for heaven's sake. It's his way of letting us know he rather prefers adventure, danger, risk, the element of surprise. This whole creation is unapologetically wild. God loves it that way.
- John Eldredge