Quotes from John Eldredge
You cannot force people to walk with God. You cannot force them to repent. All you can do is live with integrity and invite them to do so as well. Take things a step at a time. Give them consequences when they refuse to deal with serious issues, and pray. Pray like the dickens. Pray every step of the way.
- John Eldredge
Wouldn't it help you to realize that you really do live in an epic if your life had a soundtrack?
- John Eldredge
You will find it hard to hear from God until you let go your rights and your agenda.
- John Eldredge
As Robert Bly laments in Iron John, "Some women want a passive man if they want a man at all; the church wants a tamed man—they are called priests; the university wants a domesticated man—they are called tenure-track people; the corporation wants a . . . sanitized, hairless, shallow man.
- John Eldredge
In the spacious love of God, our souls can lie down and rest. This love from him is not something we must struggle for, earn, or fear to lose. It is bestowed. He has bestowed it upon us. He has chosen us. And nothing can separate us from his love. Not even we, ourselves. We are made for such a love. Our hearts yearn to be loved intimately, personally, and yes, romantically. We are created to be the object of desire and affection of one who is totally and completely in love with us. And we are.
- John Eldredge
The naked woman's body is a portion of eternity too great for the eye of man.
- John Eldredge
Perhaps it is our fear of getting our hopes up; it seems too good to be true. Perhaps it's been the almost total focus on sin and the Cross. But the Scripture is abundant and clear: Christ came not only to pardon us, but also to heal us. He wants the glory restored. So, put the book down for just a moment, and let this sink in: Jesus can, and wants to, heal your heart.
- John Eldredge
Your feminine heart has been created with the greatest of all possible dignities—as a reflection of God's own heart.
- John Eldredge
Contentment can only happen as we increase desire, let it run itself out towar its fulfilment, and carry us along with it.
- John Eldredge
The balancing act we parents attempt is convincing our children: 1. You are loved more than you can imagine. 2. The world does not revolve around you.
- John Eldredge
Prayer is such an intimate act, a place of vulnerability. It is, hopefully, when we are our least guarded, our most honest selves. And this is good, of course; this is as it ought to be. When we come to God, we certainly want to come as honestly and openly as we can; we want to be our truest selves before him. Prayer lets us be in a place of need.
- John Eldredge
If you had permission to do what you really want to do, what would you do?
- John Eldredge