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Quotes from Kris Vallotton

we are moving from a hierarchical leadership model to an heir-archy, as we are heirs with Christ to the throne of God
- Kris Vallotton
The gift of discernment simply gives you the ability to distinguish what spirit or spirits are at work in a person or an environment.
- Kris Vallotton
Unforgiveness imprisons our souls and opens the door to evil spirits in us. In my experience, unforgiveness is the number one reason why Christians are oppressed.
- Kris Vallotton
Forgiveness inspires a decree from the King, which in turn gives us authority to command these evil spirits to release their prisoner.
- Kris Vallotton
The victim mentality is one of the deadliest mindsets, because a victim is totally incapable of changing his or her environment. Victims spend massive amounts of time sucking the life out of everyone else because they live in a powerless state of mind. Victims believe that their external world has to change in order for them to be okay. Because a victim is so out of control internally, he or she feels an enormous need to control everyone else.
- Kris Vallotton
many Christians live with limited, powerless, finite thinking. How is this even possible? How do people who claim to have the Creator of the universe living inside them, the mind of Christ thinking through them, and the Spirit of God influencing the world around them even have the nerve to think small?
- Kris Vallotton
Demonic spirits are subject to the laws of God's Kingdom. They know full well when someone's lifestyle of sin has given them access to that person's soul. The power of the Spirit and the authority of Jesus Christ are required for someone to get free and stay free of demonic oppression. Trying to get a person delivered who refuses to forgive or who insists on holding onto a lifestyle of sin is a pointless waste of time.
- Kris Vallotton
The goal of any gift of the Spirit is to build trust and help people grow in God. No gift of the Spirit should be used to destroy people's reputations, kill their passion for God or steal their identity.
- Kris Vallotton
Believers can, however, be oppressed by coming under the control of a demonic spirit and have their lives broken into pieces through a lifestyle of sin,
- Kris Vallotton
As Christians, we cannot be possessed in the sense that a demon would control our minds and actions, because when we receive Jesus, our bodies become the house of the Holy Spirit.
- Kris Vallotton
When helping someone get free from demonic oppression, it is important that you are confident in God's power to deliver. If you become afraid in a deliverance session, the evil spirits will sense your anxiety. They will know that you do not have faith for their victim's freedom, and they will refuse to leave.
- Kris Vallotton
Prisoners are people who have invited demonic oppression into their lives through a lifestyle of sin. The demons know they have permission to wreak havoc in these prisoners' souls until the prisoners repent. Once a prisoner has repented, the evil spirits no longer have authorization to oppress that person because the roots of sin have been dealt with.
- Kris Vallotton