Quotes from Steven James
God can only be of service to me and I to him, not in the past, nor in the future, but only right now in this moment.
- Steven James
God dances with the outcast.
- Steven James
Follow the evidence to where it leads, even if the conclusion is uncomfortable.
- Steven James
Christianity is wild. It's intimate. It's heartbreaking and soul-mending. It's the wings to rise above the everyday and hope of a honeymoon with the God who has loved you forever. The party has just begun, and the best is yet to come.
- Steven James
Patrick: How do you know so much about dating? You're a teenage girl. Tess: Because I'm a teenage girl.
- Steven James
Here is the paradox of the thing we call freedom : the farther we wander from God and the more we try to break free from him, the more enchained we become. Every step we take away from Him leads us farther from the freedom of Jesus and closer to the cruelty of Cain.
- Steven James
I am a caged bird, rattling the bars of my cage, with furious flutterings, break my chains! Free my spirit! Let me fly with the wings you have drawn upon my soul with heaven dipped ink
- Steven James
None of us can know what it's like for someone else. It's what makes us individuals. We each have our own pain, our own mistakes. But we can reach out toward each other, help each other. That's what makes us human.
- Steven James
Women should never be ashamed to be feminine. Strength comes from conviction, not from acting like a man. Being feminine doesn't mean you're weak, it just means you're proud to be a woman.
- Steven James
Love isn't supposed to be something that needs to be handled; it's supposed to be the thing that helps you handle everything else.
- Steven James
A soul is only set free when it becomes constrained by the bonds of love.
- Steven James
Stop feeding your pain and it'll dissipate.
- Steven James