Quotes from Denise Hunter
It had been so long, a full five months since he'd left. Since she had tossed him from the property. What would she say when she saw him? He feared she'd kick him from her land without giving him a chance to explain. Travis wiped his sweaty palms down the length of his thigh. She'd hear him out whether she wanted to or not. He'd tossed her over his shoulder once before, and he'd do it again. He loved her, and it was time she believed it.
- Denise Hunter
Sometimes these things happen. God knows what He's doing and we just have to trust His plan.
- Denise Hunter
My worth had nothing to do with a job or a paycheck. My worth, everyone's worth, is based on God-given value.
- Denise Hunter
God's grip never slips.
- Denise Hunter
She was strong. She was brave. She could feel the fear and do it anyway. God would provide all she needed.
- Denise Hunter
As much as he might lie to himself, tell himself it was real, it wasn't. All the public displays in the world didn't give him the right to kiss her or hold her or even touch her. Her response made that clear enough. And yet, he'd thought he'd seen something in her eyes. Something promising. Something hopeful. Maybe Layla's feelings were starting to change. Maybe she'd be willing to give him another chance. Or maybe it was only wishful thinking.
- Denise Hunter
There was warmth and affection in his gaze. A tender caring that made her want to stretch toward him like a sunflower reaching toward the sun's heat.
- Denise Hunter
I came here searching for something, Dad. I didn't find what I'd expected, but I found what I needed: peace. I needed peace.
- Denise Hunter
He can handle all your emotions. Every last dark and wretched thought. He already knows about them anyway.
- Denise Hunter
Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.
- Denise Hunter
Hadn't he told her she needed to trust God? They were supposed to do the right thing and trust God to handle the rest.
- Denise Hunter
He hadn't lied with words, but sometimes the lie was the thing left unsaid.
- Denise Hunter