Quotes from Anne Lamott
Publication is not all that it is cracked up to be. But writing is. Writing has so much to give, so much to teach, so many surprises. That thing you had to force yourself to do—the actual act of writing—turns out to be the best part. It's like discovering that while you thought you needed the tea ceremony for the caffeine, what you really needed was the tea ceremony. The act of writing turns out to be its own reward.
- Anne Lamott
She uses a formula when writing a short story, which goes ABDCE, for Action, Background, Development, Climax, and Ending.
- Anne Lamott
Writing is about filling up, filling up when you are empty, letting images and ideas and smells run down like water - just as writing is also about dealing with the emptiness.
- Anne Lamott
Time is so full for people who are dying in a conscious way, full in the way that life is for children. They spend big round hours.
- Anne Lamott
I'm not sure I even recognize the ever-presence of mercy anymore, the divine and the human; the messy, crippled, transforming, heartbreaking, lovely, devastating presence of mercy. But I have come to believe that I am starving to death for it, and my world is, too.
- Anne Lamott
These days are among the hardest we will ever live through. The wind is blowing, but because we are together in this, we have hope. Most days. Maybe more than ever before in my lifetime, my friends and I are aware of our brokenness and the deep crazy, the desperation for light, hope, food, and medicine for poor. What helps is that we are not all crazy and hopeless on the same day. one of us remembers and reminds the rest of us that when it is really dark you can see the stars.
- Anne Lamott
All it takes is one safe person to listen, to hear, to noodge us to start over and not give up.
- Anne Lamott
As is' is the portal to creation, to new life.
- Anne Lamott
Gratitude begins in our hearts and then dovetails into behavior. It almost always makes you willing to be of service, which is where the joy resides. It means you are willing to stop being such a jerk. When you are aware of all that has been given to you, in your lifetime and in the past few days, it is hard not to be humbled, and pleased to give back.
- Anne Lamott
Hello, Dearest. I'm so glad it's you!" I've come to believe that this is how God feels when I pray, even at my least attractive.
- Anne Lamott
Periods in the wilderness or desert were not lost time. You might find life, wildflowers, fossils, sources of water.
- Anne Lamott
You don't want to spend your time around people who make you hold your breath. You can't fill up when you're holding your breath.
- Anne Lamott