Quotes from Anne Lamott
Who knows, maybe those two rogue leaders, Gandhi and Jesus, were right—a loving response changes the people who would beat the shit out of you, including yourself, of course. Their way, of the heart, makes everything bigger. Decency and goodness are subversively folded into the craziness, like caramel ribbons into ice cream. Otherwise, it's about me, and my bile ducts, and how unique I am and how I've suffered. And that is what hell is like.
- Anne Lamott
I honestly think in order to be a writer, you have to learn to be reverent. If not, why are you writing? Why are you here?
- Anne Lamott
In good fiction, we have one eye on the hero or the good guys and a fascinated eye on the bad guys, who may be a lot more interesting. The plot leads all of these people (and us) into dark woods where we find, against all odds, a woman or a man with the compass, and it still points true north. That's the miracle, and it's astonishing. This shaft of light, sometimes only a glimmer, both defines and thwarts the darkness.
- Anne Lamott
This is a hard planet, and we're a vulnerable species. And all I can do is pray: Help. When
- Anne Lamott
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up. I
- Anne Lamott
And while everyone has to make a living and show up for family, listening is optional. You have to make a conscious decision to listen harder.
- Anne Lamott
Boy, the young are angry at us. Good. This is what usually changes the world, although it's a new experience to be the us the young are mad at.
- Anne Lamott
I did the only thing I know to do. I said it. I told the truth...90% of the time this is the solution. Tell it. Cry if you can. If you can't, sit in a dejected posture hunched over and stay with this a while. It will shift and become less acute.
- Anne Lamott
It means, of course, that when you don't know what to do, when you don't know whether your character would do this or that, you get quiet and try to hear that still small voice inside. It will tell you what to do.
- Anne Lamott
The last word will not be our bad thoughts and behavior, but mercy, love, and forgiveness.
- Anne Lamott
My elderly priest friend Terry says, "Don't try harder—resist less.
- Anne Lamott
Whether it's Mount Sinai, a pasture, a library, the creek down the road, aliveness (or whatever you want to call it) the song is above us, around us, within us. We transcend the incessant and wearying yammer of bullshit. Transcendence means you go from judgment, separation from life and yourself, to feeling at one-ish with the universe. We hook into something bigger than we are, truer than the self-serving stories we make up about life and ourselves.
- Anne Lamott