Quotes from Anne Lamott
Hospice is the Calvary, Hospice means death is not going to be nearly as bad as you think
- Anne Lamott
God's joy moves from unmarked box to unmarked box, from cell to cell. As rainwater, down into flowerbed. As roses, up from ground. Now it looks like a plate of rice and fish, now a cliff covered with vines, now a horse being saddled. It hides within these, till one day it cracks them open.
- Anne Lamott
We said that we believed that the truth would set us free, and the truth was that the Sunday-school staff was burned out, that there were almost no people of color, and that if we didn't get more help, we'd have to close down.
- Anne Lamott
Don't get me wrong: grief sucks, it really does. Unfortunately, though, avoiding it robs us of life, of the now, of a sense of living spirit.
- Anne Lamott
You can't logically get from where we were to where we are now. I think that is what they mean by grace.
- Anne Lamott
As the mystics would have us believe, "As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.
- Anne Lamott
In biblical times, they used to stone a few thirteen-year-olds with some regularity, which helped keep the others quiet and at home. The mothers were usually in the first row of stone throwers, and had to be restrained.
- Anne Lamott
I tried to cooperate with grace, which is to say, I did not turn on the TV.
- Anne Lamott
God makes a way out of no way.
- Anne Lamott
It turns out that welcome is solidarity. We're glad you're here, and we're with you. This whole project called you being alive, you finding joy? Well, we're in on that.
- Anne Lamott
And I don't think you have that kind of time either. I don't think you have time to waste not writing because you are afraid you won't be good enough at it, and I don't think you have time to waste on someone who does not respond to you with kindness and respect.
- Anne Lamott
What I resist is not the truth but when people put a pretty bow on scary things instead of saying, "This is a nightmare. I hate everything. I'm going to go hide in the garage
- Anne Lamott