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Quotes from Anne Lamott

Clutter and mess show us that life is being lived. Clutter is wonderfully fertile ground—you can still discover new treasures under all those piles, clean things up, edit things out, fix things, get a grip.
- Anne Lamott
it really is easier to experience spiritual connection when your life is in the process of coming apart. When things break up and fences fall over, desperation and powerlessness slink in, which turns out to be good: humility and sweetness often arrive in your garden not long after.
- Anne Lamott
Tidiness makes me think of held breath, of suspended animation, while writing needs to breathe and move.
- Anne Lamott
It all made me think of Eugene O'Neill's line, "Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue.
- Anne Lamott
Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life.
- Anne Lamott
Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance. T. S. ELIOT
- Anne Lamott
If you want to know how God feels about money, look at who she gives it to
- Anne Lamott
I'm not suggesting that you want to be an author who tells a story in order to teach a moral or deliver a message. If you have a message, as Samuel Goldwyn said, send a telegram.
- Anne Lamott
But where do we even start on the daily walk of restoration and awakening? We start where we are.
- Anne Lamott
Look, if you don't have a bad attitude and lots of things wrong with you, no serious person is going to be interested. If you feel scared, outraged, confused most of the time, come on over. Have a seat.
- Anne Lamott
Love has bridged the high-rises of despair we were about to fall between. Love has been a penlight in the blackest, bleakest nights. Love has been a wild animal, a poultice, a dinghy, a coat. Love is why we have hope.
- Anne Lamott
God loves you crazily, like I love you, Rae said, like a slightly overweight auntie, who sees only your marvelousness and need.
- Anne Lamott