Quotes from Lynn Austin
I listened to God and to my husband, not the the enemy's whispers, not to other people's opinions.
- Lynn Austin
If He strips us of all our own resources, we just might learn to lean on Him. And to start praying again.
- Lynn Austin
All you had to do was look up at the stars at night or at a baby's face to know God existed.
- Lynn Austin
The only way to revive Temple worship is through repentance. The men of Judah must give up their idolatry and turn their hearts back to God.
- Lynn Austin
We serve a promise-keeping God, a God of miracles. My vigorous attempts to save myself, like Herod's, will never succeed. But what is impossible for man, is always possible with God. When it seems as though all is lost and God asks, "Can these bones live?" let my answer be, "Sovereign Lord, you know.
- Lynn Austin
Thirst is a symptom of need, the body's way of telling me to take action. If I don't listen, I end up dehydrated and all sorts of bad things can happen, including loss of consciousness and death. Spiritual dryness is also a symptom: Something is wrong! Take action! I'm drying up! I need God. My soul's longing for God is as never-ending as my physical need for water. And spiritual dehydration leads to spiritual death.
- Lynn Austin
As long as we have breath we can hope, can't we?
- Lynn Austin
We show our faith in God when we keep moving forward even when our prayers aren't being answered. It's the highest form of praise to keep believing that God is good even when it doesn't seem that way.
- Lynn Austin
All these troubles you've been having aren't a punishment from God. He wants to use them to draw you closer to himself.
- Lynn Austin
As long as you continue to seek Him, son, your love will continue to grow. And as you express your love for Him through obedience, He'll reveal more of himself to you.
- Lynn Austin
I've discovered that the things that happen in my life make a lot more sense when I include God in the picture. It's like trying to work a jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the front of the box. You can do it, but the task of putting thousands of tiny pieces together will sure go easier and make a lot more sense if you can take a peek at the bigger picture now and then.
- Lynn Austin
she could begin again and not become so entangled in this long, horrible war, would she watch from the sidelines as a spectator this time? Would she choose differently, take fewer risks? Caroline
- Lynn Austin