Quotes from Lynn Austin
Even when bad things happen, He can use them for good.
- Lynn Austin
Only a coward would send his children to their deaths in order to save his own life.
- Lynn Austin
Belief in Yahweh doesn't come with your mind. It comes with your heart. When you only believe in things you can see with your eyes and touch with your hands, it is idolatry... To have faith in Yahweh is to know that there is a realm of the spirit beyond the comprehension of our minds... Trusting in Molech... or trusting in your own wisdom and intellect - there's no difference in God's eyes. It's all idolatry.
- Lynn Austin
When we feel unworthy in His presence it's because we glimpse His holiness.
- Lynn Austin
Everyone had forgotten her. But that's the way Penny was-- so quiet and unimportant that you could look right at her and never see her. Esther had no idea why Penny always showed up at Grandma's house on Sunday afternoons when they came to visit. She was just one of those nosy neighbors with no life of her own, who watched other people's lives as if watching a movie.
- Lynn Austin
He had lived to please himself instead of God all those years, giving little more than lip service to His holy laws. And now when Zechariah cried out to God, his numberless sins swallowed up his prayers before they reached heaven. His guilt filled the yawning gulf between him and God.
- Lynn Austin
You can't serve God by acting contrary to His nature
- Lynn Austin
Every time you compromise, something inside your spirit dies a little
- Lynn Austin
Smooth seas don't produce skillful sailors.
- Lynn Austin
One thing I have learned during these past few terrible years is that our grief and sorrow should be shared, not carried alone.
- Lynn Austin
Our daughters aren't the same people we are, nor are they extensions of ourselves. They are unique individuals in God's eyes, responsible to Him for the choices they make, not to their mothers.
- Lynn Austin
A servant does what his massa says and goes where his massa sends him and doesn't quit until the job is done.
- Lynn Austin