Quotes from Lynn Austin
People are not puppets that Hashem controls, making us do whatever He wants. Nor can He be manipulated to do whatever we ask of Him. Human beings chose to start this war, and that means we are responsible for putting the people we love in danger, not Him. But Hashem can bring good from this, even if we cannot see it.
- Lynn Austin
Yahweh never promised that your life would be without problems. But meditate on what He has promised. Let it be your strength. God will never leave you or forsake you. He commands you not to be afraid, so to be fearful is to doubt God. And that is a sin.
- Lynn Austin
We cannot know all of the things that are going on behind the scenes that we see in the photographs. They do not show us how Hashem is at work.
- Lynn Austin
Her people could trust God no matter what. Even
- Lynn Austin
You're right—we don't know the future," he said, kissing her again. "But we can continue to pray and trust God. The most hopeful, faith-filled thing we can do is to plan our life together.
- Lynn Austin
if we confess our sins to Hashem, if we repent of our wrongdoings and promise to turn away from them and go in a new direction, then He will forgive us. We should make restitution for what we have done whenever possible. And sometimes there are natural consequences from our actions that must be faced. But the Scriptures say that as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is Hashem's mercy toward us.
- Lynn Austin
Yahweh doesn't owe us an explanation for what He does. He's sovereign over all: 'Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than the heavens—what can you do? They are deeper than the depths of the grave—what can you know?. . . If he comes along and confines you in prison. . . who can oppose him?' So you see? I don't need to know why anymore.
- Lynn Austin
The prophet Habakkuk lived in a time that was much like ours. He, too, asked Hashem, 'Why do you tolerate the treacherous? Why are you silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves?' And you know Hashem's reply as well as I do: 'The righteous shall live by his faith.
- Lynn Austin
God had told the survivors of Sodom and Gomorrah not to look back after they'd been rescued from death and destruction, and if Jo's family continued to gaze into the past, they were going to become stuck in place like pillars of salt, too.
- Lynn Austin
The Declaration of Sentiments, written in 1833, reads that our principles 'forbid the doing of evil that good may come, and lead us to reject—and to entreat the oppressed to reject—the use of all carnal weapons for deliverance from bondage; relying solely upon those which are spiritual, and mighty through God
- Lynn Austin
What do you think Jesus is gonna say if we come walking up to those pearly gates carrying a whole sackful of grievances and grudges on our backs?
- Lynn Austin
It's times like these when the future is uncertain that we need to live our lives to the full. Don't waste time in useless worry, dear Chana, fretting over what might never happen. Worry doesn't change a single thing. Just live.
- Lynn Austin