Quotes from Liz Curtis Higgs
When we experience his grace, we're compelled to tell others so they may praise the Lord with us. In doing so, their faith is bolstered, knowing that God is real, God is powerful, God is sovereign, and God is moving.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
and he began to speak, praising God. Luke 1:64 He didn't ask God why he'd been silenced, nor did he bemoan the many conversations he'd missed. Instead, Zechariah "shouted out praises to God
- Liz Curtis Higgs
In our darkest moments, when we cry out to God and wonder if He's listening, He sometimes whispers, Wait. It's a hard word to hear yet comforting as well. It means He is there, He is with us, and He has a plan, even if it is not our plan.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
Except for some queasiness in the morning or tiredness in the afternoon, Mary may not have noticed any real signs of her pregnancy yet. Elizabeth's words to Mary, then, were a confirmation of God's promise and more powerful than any blood test.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
But here's the thing: shepherds were despised. They couldn't keep the ceremonial laws while traveling about the hills, they were often regarded as thieves, and because they were considered unreliable, they were not permitted to give evidence in court. Yet this was whom God chose for his witnesses and entrusted with his good news.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
Elizabeth just made her confession of faith, and Jesus wasn't even born yet.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
They sought to pummel His pride, not understanding He'd laid it aside at birth, when He gave up heaven and came to earth.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
Mrs. Lot was a sandwich-generation woman, not sure what life might hold for her-scared of going forward, frightened of going back.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
Not 'I am finished,' but 'it is finished.' His supreme sacrifice was over. His mighty work of redemption was done. He came to earth to do the will of His Father, and He had accomplished that...By His death Jesus abolished the ceremonial Law and all its obligations, stamping them *paid in full*.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
In every life story, including our own, decisions are made in haste that determine the course of eternity.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
This is how God works: a blessing for one is a blessing for all, and the end result is a greater focus on him. When we experience his grace, we're compelled to tell others so they may praise the Lord with us. In doing so, their faith is bolstered, knowing that God is real, God is powerful, God is sovereign, and God is moving.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
He called himself chief among sinners yet proclaimed himself made new in Christ.
- Liz Curtis Higgs