Quotes from Chris Fabry
She was putting it in God's hands. If Tony came to mind, she'd pray. Otherwise, she needed to keep moving forward. Do the things she was assigned to do.
- Chris Fabry
Life is about making good choices, Matt. One after the other. They pile up day after day. It's only when you look back that you can see what the choices led to. What you're able to stand on.
- Chris Fabry
Part of being a good parent was knowing when to say something and what to say, Elizabeth thought. The hardest part of parenting was knowing when to say nothing and listen.
- Chris Fabry
It is a grace to be able to hold onto someone who runs at life when you can only imagine walking.
- Chris Fabry
What happened when these people sang was more than just humans hitting notes. The music seemed to come from somewhere deep inside and when their voices united, it felt like goosebumps on the soul. Something like joy bubbled up from inside her and leaked through her eyes.
- Chris Fabry
The believer's job was to come to God with a surrendered heart. To come empty-handed every morning not to get what you wanted but to receive all of who He was and what He wanted for you.
- Chris Fabry
There is no gift to the world like a man doing what he enjoys.
- Chris Fabry
Lord, thank You," Elizabeth whispered. "Thank You for Your mercy and Your goodness. Thank You for answering. And help me focus on the things I can see You doing instead of the things I can't see.
- Chris Fabry
Every day was bad news and worse than the one before it, and that was all you could expect from life.
- Chris Fabry
So do Your work, do it in Your timing, and help us to be faithful while You work.
- Chris Fabry
Being content is not a lack of ambition. It's being able to rest and relax and know your worth doesn't come from what others think of you or even what you think of you.
- Chris Fabry
Clara had said all of life was a test about whether or not you really believed God. Every day you had a thousand choices to show God you were serious about following Him, serious about obeying Him, and one of the greatest tests was whether you would seek revenge against someone who did you wrong.
- Chris Fabry