Quotes from Chris Fabry
And God has this funny way of stretching and changing and pushing us toward things we don't want to face. I don't think the past is something we deal with as much as it deals with us.
- Chris Fabry
The past is like grace. It's not enough to know about it. We all know what happened back there. Grace allows you to see yourself in light of the past, not in the shadow of it. You see the truth about yourself, your need.
- Chris Fabry
You can live under the weight of your past or the weight of forgiveness. If you choose the former, you'll constantly be working off the guilt like someone who overeats at the holidays.
- Chris Fabry
But there are some things you can't do even if you desire them. There are some choices you can't take back. Words said that can't be unsaid
- Chris Fabry
What if he is the one who brought her to me?
- Chris Fabry
You once said a man's life is a series of choices. Small decisions made every day that don't seem to matter. That nobody notices but you, if you even notice. Over time, those decisions are like raindrops, falling and filling the stream of a life. You believed the big choices were made in the small ones. If I had chosen differently in a thousand ways, maybe I wouldn't be here.
- Chris Fabry
Lord, I don't know if Tony is in trouble or if he's upset about his job or if he's just working out at the gym. But I pray that You would draw him closer. Help him see there's no sin so great that You aren't ready to forgive. I pray You would give him hope. I pray You would allow him to see how much You love him and want him to come back to You. And give me the ability to love him well, through whatever we face.
- Chris Fabry
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
- Chris Fabry
Value clients enough to make them the central focus. Never make your clients feel like there is anyone on the planet more important than them. They are your priority. Every. Time.
- Chris Fabry
Some people are given a great gift of not caring what others think or about anything but being faithful to what they're called by God to do.
- Chris Fabry
We think we'll have questions for God when we get to heaven, but when we actually see him, we'll understand it's not about getting our questions answered because the questions won't be important. We'll finally be with God. So I would just look at her. And if she let me, I would hug her. For a long time."
- Chris Fabry
She looked up at him. She could remember holding him on her lap, reading a story, kneeling down beside him. Then came the years she spent on her knees because she was concerned how he might turn out. Those years were long gone.
- Chris Fabry