Quotes from Chris Fabry
I am so sick of you stealing my joy. But that's changing too. My joy doesn't come from my friends, it doesn't come from my job, it doesn't even come from my husband. My joy is found in Jesus, and just in case you forgot, He has already defeated you. So go back to hell where you belong and leave my family alone!
- Chris Fabry
A lot of people want to do great things for God. A lot of people want to change the world. I just shake my head when I hear that. God is the only one who can change the world because He's the only one who can change hearts and minds.
- Chris Fabry
You may forsake a person, a family, some location of the heart, but scars and memories cannot be discarded like used clothing.
- Chris Fabry
Then I started really studying what the Scriptures say, and God showed me that it wasn't my job to do the heavy lifting. No. That was something that only He could do. It was my job to seek Him, to trust Him, and to stand on His Word.
- Chris Fabry
Elizabeth, it comes down to this: Jesus shed His blood on the cross. He died for you, even when you did not deserve it. And He rose from the grave and offers forgiveness and salvation for anyone who turns to Him. But the Bible also says that we can't ask Him to forgive us while refusing to forgive others.
- Chris Fabry
There's not more power in a lot of people praying because the power comes from God and not the people. But what happens when many pray for the same thing is an opportunity for God's glory. Everything comes back to the glory of God. Everything in history, the purpose of our lives, is the glory of God. Every breath we take.
- Chris Fabry
God used it all. He used the hard times to draw her closer. He used the struggle to bring them together.
- Chris Fabry
The goal of prayer is not to change God's mind about what you want. The goal of prayer is to change your own heart, to want what He wants, to the glory of God.
- Chris Fabry
Music has a way of filling in the missing places. It is a gift from God above, who didn't have to provide it, but He did anyway and I half think He decided life just wouldn't be as good without it.
- Chris Fabry
Somtimes when you know the right thing to do, you simply have to do it, even though it breaks your heart.
- Chris Fabry
Clara had said to ask God for the truth. "Discover the truth about God, who He is, how He works, how much He loves. And then you'll uncover the truth about yourself, your sin, the ways you displease God. The truth about your life is always better to know, even if it hurts.
- Chris Fabry
Without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.
- Chris Fabry