Quotes from Ed Stetzer
It is not enough for us to read this portion of the Bible and picture the Apostles Paul and Peter along with the church simply doing their best to be nice people. These letters reveal the subversive nature of God's kingdom at work among the empires of humanity. God set in motion a rebellion against the rebellions of men.
- Ed Stetzer
All of us are busy. Life isn't slowing down, it's speeding up, and our Daytimers reflect the fact. Yet that is precisely why we need to take time to pray.
- Ed Stetzer
What we see happening as we move further into the twenty-first century is a sovereign God moving through global events to open doors once closed to the gospel.
- Ed Stetzer
Scripture teaches us to contend for the faith (Jude 3) and contextualize to culture (1 Cor. 9:22-23).
- Ed Stetzer
God is able to see beforehand all that happens in our lives and in the world, and He is able to establish a plan of how it can be used for His purpose and His glory. We are assured, "All the nations You have made will come and bow down before You, Lord, and will honor Your name" (Ps. 86:9).
- Ed Stetzer
During the nineteenth century, one home missionary of the African Methodist Episcopal Church reported to the general conference in 1844 "that during four years he had covered 300 miles in his itinerant preaching, establishing 47 churches with a total membership of 2,000. He had seven other itinerant preachers working with him, and 27 local preachers had organized 50 Sunday schools with 200 teachers and 2,000 students.
- Ed Stetzer
Growth happens in community because the Bible places community as a critical step of obedience for the Christ follower. So the Christ follower outside of community is living in disobedience.
- Ed Stetzer
No longer representative of the dominant culture, Christians need to rethink the way we understand cultural engagement, mission, and evangelism in a newly post-Christian society.
- Ed Stetzer
You cannot hate a people and reach a people at the same time.
- Ed Stetzer