Quotes from Ed Stetzer
Reading church history and allowing it to influence our worldview reassures us not only that God has promised to be with us, but that he has delivered on this promise to every generation of believers regardless of the trials and tribulations of their time.
- Ed Stetzer
We need to stop presenting community as just another option for the religious consumer and start presenting it as God's will for everyone. It should be seen as the reality of those within the church and the refuge for those without.
- Ed Stetzer
When we have every right (after all it's "our church"), when we have always done it that way (no reason to change if we like it), and when we are in prominent positions (we have earned it), we can easily make it about us.
- Ed Stetzer
It's time to live as people shaped by a gospel-centered worldview.
- Ed Stetzer
The health, long-term mission, and viability of the church are not going to be determined by those who gather on Sunday morning. The future of the church will be determined by the depth of its disciples.
- Ed Stetzer
You have the Holy Spirit inside you, empowering you and enabling you to live on mission. In a world at its worst, live out your calling to be a Christian at your best in the age of outrage.
- Ed Stetzer
If Southern Baptist churches sent just 1 percent of their members to reach the nations and peoples of the world, instead of five thousand there would be 160,000 missionaries (according to our reported membership of sixteen million in 2009). The support should not be a problem—not financially, logistically, or in human resources. Could not 99 percent of the church adequately support the 1 percent sent to the nations to fulfill the mission of God?
- Ed Stetzer
The central conclusion is that the American church is dying due to lack of strong spiritual leadership. In this time of unprecedented opportunity and plentiful resources, the church is actually losing influence. The primary reason is the lack of leadership. Nothing is more important than leadership."
- Ed Stetzer
From a leadership perspective the biblical role of staff members is to "equip the saints." But there should be a place where staff can practice "being a saint".
- Ed Stetzer
At the end of the day, in spite of the risks, do life with your people. They need to see you struggle and process your day-to-day walk with Christ. They need to see you desire community, and you need to see transformation take place among your community.
- Ed Stetzer
Culturally appropriate evangelism answers the actual questions being asked by a given culture rather than those questions the church believes the culture should ask.
- Ed Stetzer
Global evangelism does not take place in a demilitarized zone but on the battleground of spiritual warfare. Satan, in vengeance and jealousy for that which belongs to God, is deceiving the nations and holding them in bondage to a lie.
- Ed Stetzer