Quotes from Stephen Kendrick
If we were to press the pause button, repent, and move prayer to a place of priority in our families, schedules, and church lives, everything would be ignited and impacted by it.
- Stephen Kendrick
We would all worship better, sing better, fellowship better, give better, evangelize better, share better, and behave much better if we were first humbling ourselves, confessing our sins, asking God's Spirit to fill us, and submitting ourselves to Him in prayer.
- Stephen Kendrick
Ultimately, all prayer is for the glory of God. The best answer He can give to any prayer is whatever answer brings Him the most glory.
- Stephen Kendrick
unity can be for people who worship and obey the God of the universe. If they seek the Lord and act in unity, nothing can stop them. That's why the enemy does everything possible to keep God's people divided. Because once we come together in unity, we gain momentum and take ground for the kingdom.
- Stephen Kendrick
Father, forgive us for relying on our wisdom, strength, energy, and ideas rather than abiding in You and seeking You first. Help us lay aside anything that hinders us from pursuing Your best. Help us prioritize prayer and devote ourselves to it in our personal lives, our families, and our churches. Make our churches truly houses of prayer for all nations. Revive us again, O Lord. Help us walk by Your strength and bring You great glory in our generation. In Jesus' name, amen.
- Stephen Kendrick
The intimacy you desire with God travels through the connective bond of your obedience to Him.
- Stephen Kendrick
What would happen if believers and churches today followed the great people of the Bible and in Christian history and began to pray powerfully and effectively?
- Stephen Kendrick
Selfishness is like a disease that suffocates our capacity to love. While love asks us to deny ourselves for the sake of another, selfishness demands we put ourselves first at their expense. When we choose to be self-centered, we become less kind and content—more needy, sensitive, and demanding. More unsatisfiable. Moodiness and impatience, laziness and irresponsibility, are only selfishness in disguise.
- Stephen Kendrick
Patience is how love diffuses something negative; kindness is how love initiates something positive.
- Stephen Kendrick
A.C.T.S.—Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.
- Stephen Kendrick
The lack of humility in today's culture is in part what blinds us to our desperate need to seek God daily in prayer and to walk in repentance.
- Stephen Kendrick
He created us to love Him, and something unexplainably beautiful happens when we direct all of who we are at delighting in all of who He is. It is proper worship of the One who is worthy.
- Stephen Kendrick