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Quotes from Stephen Kendrick

You must choose to live by enouragement rather than by expectations.
- Stephen Kendrick
Instead of following your heart, you are choosing to lead to lead it. The world says to follow your heart, but if you are not it, then someone or something else is. The Bible says that the heart is more deceitful than all else (Jeremiah 17:9), and it will always pursue that which feels right at the moment.
- Stephen Kendrick
There is no greater privilege for anyone than being able to personally talk with and speak into the ears of Almighty God.
- Stephen Kendrick
Prayer means that God's miracle-working power is always a possible solution to whatever challenge stands before us.
- Stephen Kendrick
When love invades your heart, you are empowered to endure deeper pain, willingly pay a greater cost, and run risks to your reputation for the sake of another.
- Stephen Kendrick
Answered prayers aren't merely highly unlikely coincidences. They are fingerprints of a living, loving God who invites all of us to draw close to Him, the One who made us and "is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being
- Stephen Kendrick
If you read a map with directions to get somewhere but you don't follow it, you shouldn't get mad at God when you become spiritually lost. The Bible is a love letter from God. But if you don't read it and believe it, you may wonder why you'll walk through life feeling unloved.
- Stephen Kendrick
God never intended for us to live out the Christian life or accomplish His work on the earth in our own wisdom or strength. His plan has always been for us to rely on the Holy Spirit and live a life of obedience in prayer.
- Stephen Kendrick
He wrote: A religion to be true must include everything from the amoeba to the milky way. Nothing must be excluded from our view and purview for any faith to be true.
- Stephen Kendrick
It is difficult to demonstrate love when you feel little to no motivation. But love in its truest sense is not based on feelings. Rather, love determines to show thoughtful actions even when there seems to be no reward. You will never learn to love until you learn to demonstrate kindness. First.
- Stephen Kendrick
What if we decided to get right with God and begin humbly seeking His face in faith for revival and spiritual awakening like they did during the first and second great awakenings?
- Stephen Kendrick
Your quality of life is directly tied to the amount of love flowing in you and through you to others. Though it's often overlooked, love is infinitely more valuable than riches, fame, or honor. They will pass away, but love remains.
- Stephen Kendrick