Quotes from Adoniram Judson
If God gave light and wisdom, the religion of Jesus was soon learned; but without God, a man might study all his life long, and make no proficiency.
- Adoniram Judson
No mind, no wisdom--temporary mind, temporary wisdom--eternal mind, eternal wisdom.
- Adoniram Judson
My prospects for life, though in a measure shaded with uncertainty, hardship and danger, are very animating and bright. My prospects for another life, blessed be God, are still brighter.
- Adoniram Judson
It is my growing conviction that the Baptist churches in America are behind the age in missionary spirit. They now and then make a spasmodic effort to throw off a nightmare debt of some years' accumulation, and then sink back into unconscious repose.
- Adoniram Judson
For many years, the work advanced but slowly. One denomination after another embarked in the undertaking; and now, American missionaries are seen in almost every land and every clime.
- Adoniram Judson
Christ commands those who believe to be baptized. Pedobaptists adopt a system which tends to preclude the baptism of believers. They baptize the involuntary infant and deprive him of the privilege of ever professing his faith in the appointed way. If this system were universally adopted, it would banish believers' baptism out of the world.
- Adoniram Judson
God is to me the Great Unknown. I believe in Him, but I find Him not.
- Adoniram Judson
I am not tired of my work, neither am I tired of the world; yet, when Christ calls me home, I shall go with gladness.
- Adoniram Judson
We cannot sit still and see the dear Burmans, flesh and blood like ourselves and, like ourselves, possessed of immortal souls that will shine forever in heaven or burn forever in hell — we cannot see them go down to perdition without doing our very utmost to save them. And thanks be to God, our labors are not in vain.
- Adoniram Judson
I am left alone in the wide world. My own dear family I have buried: one in Rangoon, and two in Amherst. What remains for me but to hold myself in readiness to follow the dear departed to that blessed world, 'Where my best friends, my kindred dwell, where God, my Saviour, reigns.'
- Adoniram Judson
The word which denotes the act of baptizing, according to the usage of Greek writers, uniformly signifies or implies immersion.
- Adoniram Judson
A life once spent is irrevocable. It will remain to be contemplated through eternity. If it be marked with sins, the marks will be indelible. If it has been a useless life, it can never be improved. Such it will stand forever and ever. The same may be said of each day.
- Adoniram Judson