Quotes from Adoniram Judson
I never was deeply interested in any object; I never prayed sincerely and earnestly for anything, but it came at some time - no matter how distant, in some way, in some shape, probably the last I should have devised, it came. And yet, I have always had so little faith. God forgive me.
- Adoniram Judson
If we are interested in Christ by faith, notwithstanding our imperfections and sins, God will be our God through grace.
- Adoniram Judson
According to the Burman system, there is no escape. According to the Christian system, there is. Jesus Christ has died in the place of sinners, has borne their sins; and now those who believe on Him, and become His disciples, are released from the punishment they deserve. At death, they are received into Heaven and are happy forever.
- Adoniram Judson
Any known attempt at proselyting would be instantly amenable at a criminal tribunal and would probably be punished by the death of the proselyte and the banishment of the missionary. All efforts must be conducted in private and are therefore very limited.
- Adoniram Judson
The world is yet in its infancy; the gracious designs of God are yet hardly developed. Glorious things are spoken of Zion, the city of our God. She is yet to triumph and become the joy and glory of the whole earth.
- Adoniram Judson
I thought they loved me, and they would scarcely have known it if I had died. All through our troubles, I was comforted with the thought that the brethren in Maulmain and America were praying for us, and they have never once thought of us.
- Adoniram Judson
Consider this point. It is a main point of true wisdom. Whenever there is an execution of purpose, there must be an agent.
- Adoniram Judson
A person employed in direct missionary work among the natives, especially if his employ is somewhat itinerant, can easily make long and interesting journals.
- Adoniram Judson
There are two evil futurities and one good. A miserable future existence is evil; and annihilation, or nigban, is an evil - a fearful evil. A happy future existence is alone good.
- Adoniram Judson
Missionaries must not calculate on the least comfort but what they find in one another and their work.
- Adoniram Judson
I esteem it the crowning mercy of my life that not only the chief ends I contemplated on becoming a missionary are attained, but I am allowed to see competent, faithful, and affectionate successors actively engaged in the work.
- Adoniram Judson
I have to hold a meeting with the rising generation every evening, and that takes time. Henry can say, 'Twinkle, twinkle,' all himself, and Edward can repeat it after his father! Giants of genius! Paragons of erudition!
- Adoniram Judson