Quotes from Jerry Bridges
One of the speaker's main points was that if we want to live less stressful lives, we must learn to live with a single agenda: God's agenda. He pointed out that we tend to live under two agendas, ours and God's, and that the tension between them sets up stress.
- Jerry Bridges
His agenda for our lives that God will guard, protect, and advance. We must learn to live by His agenda if we are to trust Him.
- Jerry Bridges
All that Christ did in both His life and death, He did in our place as our substitute.
- Jerry Bridges
Our trust in God must be based, not on someone else's experience, but upon what God has told us about Himself in His Word.
- Jerry Bridges
Our lives are also cluttered with a lot of "if onlys." "If only I had done this," or "if only that had not happened." But again, God has no "if onlys." God never makes a mistake; God has no regrets. "As for God, his way is perfect" (Psalm 18:30). We can trust God. He is trustworthy.
- Jerry Bridges
We can put this down as a bedrock truth: God will never allow any action against you that is not in accord with His will for you. And His will is always directed to our good.
- Jerry Bridges
Just as we should learn to stop asking why, or searching for rational explanations, or seeking to discover what "good" there is in our own adversities, so we must also learn to quiet our hearts in regard to God's government of the universe.
- Jerry Bridges
our innate tendency to think our country is always right. We assume that God will bless our side with victory. The Bible does not support such a view. In fact, according to biblical history, God sometimes uses an evil nation to punish another one, then in turn punishes the first nation for its sin.
- Jerry Bridges
Every desire to read the Bible and to do God's will, every manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit, be it ever so small, was the living result of my being in Christ.
- Jerry Bridges
What was it that caused such a dramatic mood change in the heart of the writer? He turns from the circumstances at hand to the Lord.
- Jerry Bridges
If God controls the circumstances of the sparrow, how much more does He control the circumstances that affect us?
- Jerry Bridges
Saying no to ungodliness and worldly passions basically means a decisive break with those attitudes and practices. In one sense, this decisive break is a divine act that occurred when we died to the dominion of sin in our lives. In another sense, we're to work out this breach with sin by putting to death the misdeeds of the body (Romans 8:13).
- Jerry Bridges