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Quotes from Jerry Bridges

There is no conflict in the Bible between His sovereignty and our responsibility.
- Jerry Bridges
But be it ever so small in our own eyes, when we sin we also break God's law. And Scripture says, "Whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it" (James 2:10). God's law is seamless, one complete whole. So when we break any of it, we break the whole law.
- Jerry Bridges
We are to look beyond our adversity to what God is doing in our lives and rejoice in the certainty that He is at work in us to cause us to grow.
- Jerry Bridges
That is, humility should be as much a part of us as the clothes we wear. We wouldn't think of appearing before other people without our clothes. And we shouldn't think of appearing before other people without deliberately clothing ourselves with an attitude of humility.
- Jerry Bridges
God's providence clearly affirms that we can trust God.
- Jerry Bridges
This does not mean our country should discharge all our military personnel and mothball our ships and tanks. It means we should not trust in them.
- Jerry Bridges
God not only created the universe but that He upholds and sustains it day by day, hour by hour.
- Jerry Bridges
The common life that believers have in Him. In the same manner, if believers are to share with one another
- Jerry Bridges
It is so easy for us to stand apart from the culture and do no more than express self-righteous judgmentalism toward it. But those of us who grieve deeply over our own sin will not do this. Instead we will mourn over the sins and wickedness of our nation and will pray most urgently that, just as we want God to be merciful to us, so we want Him to be merciful to our nation as a whole. This will be another expression of humility in action.
- Jerry Bridges
We cannot deal with the power of sin unless we have first dealt with its guilt. And we deal with it at the cross.
- Jerry Bridges
God sustains you and me: "He himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.... `For in him we live and move and have our being"' (Acts 17:25,28). He supplies our daily food (see 2 Corinthians 9:10). Our times are in His hands (see Psalm 31:15). Every breath we breathe is a gift from God, every bite of food we eat is given to us from His hand, every day we live is determined by Him.
- Jerry Bridges
Details are important, and God is just as sovereign over the details as He is over the so-called "big picture.
- Jerry Bridges