Quotes from Jerry Bridges
We need to call sin what the Bible calls it and not soften it with modern expressions borrowed from our culture.
- Jerry Bridges
One of the "talents" God has given to every Christian is the possibility of walking in holiness, being free from the dominion of sin
- Jerry Bridges
But God never explains to us what He is doing, or why. There is no indication that God ever explained to Job the reasons for all of his terrible sufferings.
- Jerry Bridges
The converse truth is that love gives validity to my actions and makes them acceptable to God.
- Jerry Bridges
The place to start controlling the cravings of our physical appetites is to reduce our exposure to temptation.
- Jerry Bridges
When I say we should never ask why, I am not talking about the reactive and spontaneous cry of anguish when calamity first befalls us or one we love. Rather, I am speaking of the persistent and demanding why that has an accusatory tone toward God in it.
- Jerry Bridges
In contrast, there are sixteen whys in the book of Job, according to author Don Baker. Sixteen times Job asked God why. He is persistent and petulant. He is accusatory toward God. And, as has been observed by many, God never answered Job's why. Instead He answered who.
- Jerry Bridges
One of the most damning indictments of mankind is found in Isaiah 53:6: "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way" (Niv). Going our own way is the very essence, the very core, of sin. Your way may be to give money to charity; another person's way may be to rob a bank. But neither is done with reference to God; both of you have gone your own way.
- Jerry Bridges
But on the whole, we appear to be more concerned about the sins of society than we are the sins of the saints.
- Jerry Bridges
God's providence is His constant care for and His absolute rule over all His creation for His own glory and the good of His people.
- Jerry Bridges
Where God through Elihu confronts Job with his audacity, that met my need at the time, causing me to realize and repent of my own accusations against God.
- Jerry Bridges
Our first priority in times of adversity is to honor and glorify God by trusting Him.
- Jerry Bridges