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Quotes from Jerry Bridges

so the faith to trust God in adversity comes through the Word of God alone. It is only in the Scriptures that we find an adequate view of God's relationship to and involvement in our painful circumstances.
- Jerry Bridges
God's government is perfect and just. His moral law is "holy, righteous and good" (Romans 7:12). No one ever has a valid reason to rebel against the government of God. We rebel for only one reason: We were born rebellious. We were born with a perverse inclination to go our own way, to set up our own internal government rather than submit to God.
- Jerry Bridges
Whether fellowship is perceived as participation or partnership, in either case it implies a responsibility to fulfill our function in the body. We usually don't think of fellowship in terms of fulfilling a responsibility, but that is because we have lost sight of the biblical meaning of fellowship. Fellowship is not just a social privilege to enjoy; it is more basically a responsibility to assume.
- Jerry Bridges
God is perfect in love.
- Jerry Bridges
They find it difficult to accept that both calamities and good things come from God.
- Jerry Bridges
we tend to overlook that it was for Jesus an excruciating experience beyond all we can imagine.
- Jerry Bridges
But this is what servant-hood within the fellowship of believers is all about: being alert to the little things that need to be done and then doing them.
- Jerry Bridges
purpose is for us to become so convinced of these truths that we appropriate them in our daily circumstances, that we learn to trust God in the midst of our pain, whatever form it may take. It does not matter whether our pain is trivial or traumatic, temporary or interminable. Regardless of the nature of the circumstances, we must learn to trust God if we would glorify God in them.
- Jerry Bridges
It is only as we know God in this personal way that we come to trust Him.
- Jerry Bridges
If you and I are to appropriate God's grace in our times of need, we must see His sovereignty ultimately ruling in all the circumstances of our lives. And when those circumstances are difficult, disappointing, or humiliating, we must humble ourselves under His mighty hand.
- Jerry Bridges
God is either good and not all powerful, or He is powerful and not all good. You can't have it both ways.
- Jerry Bridges
If Christ grieved over unrepentant Jerusalem, does He not grieve over unrepentant America as well? If we would fully enter into the fellowship of His sufferings, we must begin to see sin from His point of view.
- Jerry Bridges