Quotes from Sam Storms
God created you for the first and greatest commandment, to be a lover of God.
- Sam Storms
Joy is not necessarily the absence of suffering, it is the presence of God.
- Sam Storms
If you come to worship for any reason other that the joy and pleasure and satisfaction that are to be found in God, you dishonor Him...God's greatest delight is your delight in Him.
- Sam Storms
Grace ceases to be grace if God is compelled to bestow it in the presence of human merit.
- Sam Storms
Worship is first and foremost a feasting on all that God is for us in Jesus... [One] in which God is the host, the cook, the waiter, and the meal itself.
- Sam Storms
Self-image, the concept we have of ourselves, must begin not by looking in the mirror but by looking into the face of God.
- Sam Storms
Whatever and whenever God blesses, Satan curses. What God creates, Satan counterfeits.
- Sam Storms
Everything without God is pathetically inferior to God without everything.
- Sam Storms
Integrity... does not mean sinless, but it does describe a person who by God's grace "sin less."
- Sam Storms
Enjoy the joy of being enjoyed by God.
- Sam Storms
God's creative design was that your ravenous appetite for pleasure find fulfillment in Him, for nothing more wonderfully reveals His glory than the joy the creature has in its Creator.
- Sam Storms
All prophecy is based on a revelation from God, but always operates at a lower level of authority than that of inspired Scripture.
- Sam Storms