Quotes from Jim Cymbala
If the times are indeed as bad as we say they are … if the darkness in our world is growing heavier by the moment … if we are facing spiritual battles right in our own homes and churches … then we are foolish not to turn to the One who supplies unlimited grace and power. He is our only source. We are crazy to ignore him.
- Jim Cymbala
If we look at society today, if we look at the challenge of a country becoming more godless by the week, if we look at laws being passed that mock any form of morality — ?instead of lamenting and protesting, wouldn't it be better for us to plead with God to visit his people?
- Jim Cymbala
Many times in life, God waits while a situation goes from bad to worse. He appears to let it slip over the edge, so that you and I say, "There's no way now for this ever to work out." But that is the point when the omnipotent God intervenes in our hopelessness and says, "Oh, really? Watch this...!
- Jim Cymbala
So many times when we get into emergencies and the situation seems totally hopeless - it's actually a setup. God wants to do something great. He wants to demonstrate his power, so that his name will be praised in a new and greater way. The next generation will hear all about it. After all, their spiritual nurture is far more important than material things.
- Jim Cymbala
God will manifest himself in direct proportion to our passion for him.
- Jim Cymbala
When we seek God for answers, we must persevere in prayer, letting it build up day after day until the force of it becomes a mighty tide pushing over all obstacles.
- Jim Cymbala
A basic sign of revival is that the wind is allowed to blow where it will.
- Jim Cymbala
Let's stop blaming our unbelief on the pastor we once had, on our childhood, on circumstances, or on anything else. There is no excuse for us not to believe in the Lord.
- Jim Cymbala
Even an undercurrent of division and strife will weaken that body of believers. The pastor of such a church ends up on a treadmill, expending a lot of effort and energy but making little progress.
- Jim Cymbala
Only true faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, confirmed by the Holy Spirit living inside of us, makes us a new creation.
- Jim Cymbala
If we choose to turn left when God wants us to go right, we cannot expect God to support the plans we made on our own.
- Jim Cymbala
All over America, churchgoers chafe at a Sunday morning service that runs an hour and ten minutes, but have no problem with three-hour football games on television.
- Jim Cymbala