Quotes from Jim Cymbala
Trouble is one of God's great servants because it reminds us how much we continually need the Lord.
- Jim Cymbala
The fact that we were created to enjoy God and to worship him forever is etched upon our souls
- Jim Cymbala
People who have a seeking heart still make mistakes. But their reaction to rebuke and correction shows the condition of that heart. It determines what God is able to do with them in the future.
- Jim Cymbala
When we sincerely turn to God, we will find that His church always moves forward, not backward.
- Jim Cymbala
It's not about being a Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, or 5-Point Calvinist. God has only one family and, as Christians, we're in it!
- Jim Cymbala
O God, split the heavens and come down! Manifest yourself somehow. Do what only you can do.
- Jim Cymbala
Doesn't the God who created the universe out of nothing and put all the stars in place, have the power to take care of your situation?
- Jim Cymbala
Persistent calling upon the name of the Lord breaks through every stronghold of the devil, for nothing is impossible with God. For Christians in these troubled times there is simply no other way.
- Jim Cymbala
No matter what I preach or what we claim to believe in our heads, the future will depend upon our times of prayer.
- Jim Cymbala
Anything, and I mean anything, becomes a blessing if it drives us to prayer.
- Jim Cymbala
What does it say about our churches today that God birthed the church in a prayer meeting, and prayer meetings today are almost extinct?
- Jim Cymbala
Prayer begets Revival, which begets more prayer.
- Jim Cymbala