Quotes from Alfred Edersheim
We cannot understand the meaning of many trials; God does not explain them. To explain a trial would be to destroy its object, which is that of calling forth simple faith and implicit obedience.
- Alfred Edersheim
God is the God of the present as well as of the future...even here on earth, He reigneth, dispensing good and evil.
- Alfred Edersheim
Let me be one of the upward and outward lookers, not one of the downward and inward lookers.
- Alfred Edersheim
Indeed, to sacrifice seems as natural to man as to pray; the one indicates what he feels about himself, the other what he feels about God. The one means a felt need of propitiation, the other a felt sense of dependence.
- Alfred Edersheim
Christ is never in haste: least of all, on His errands of love. And He is never in haste, because He is always sure.
- Alfred Edersheim
This formation of man from soft clay, and of woman from a hard bone, also illustrated why man was so much more easily reconcilable than woman.
- Alfred Edersheim
So true is it that all sin is ultimately against the Lord; so bitter is the root of self; and so terrible the power of evil in its constantly growing strength, till it casts out all fear of God or care for man.
- Alfred Edersheim
There is ever the prior question of plain duty, with which nothing else, however tempting or promising of success, can come into conflict; and such seasons may be only those when our faith and patience are put on trial, so as to bring it clearly before us, whether or not, quite irrespective of all else, we are content to leave everything in the hands of God.
- Alfred Edersheim
The absolutely highest stage of intercourse with God is the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in the New Testament Church, when man's individuality is not superseded nor suppressed, but transformed, and thus conformed to Him in spiritual fellowship.
- Alfred Edersheim
So this was all which these Pharisees and Scribes could see in the miracle of Christ's feeding the Multitude--that it had not been done according to Law! Most strange as it may seem, yet in the past history of the Church, and, perhaps, sometimes also in the present, this has been the only thing which some men have seen in the miraculous working of the Christ!
- Alfred Edersheim
Let us earnestly avoid the confusion of ideas which would represent worship as service, instead of joyous preparation for service in daily life, and which too often ends in making of this supposed worship our only service.
- Alfred Edersheim
God is the God of the present as well as of the future...even here on earth, He reigneth, dispensing good and evil.
- Alfred Edersheim