Quotes from Henry Blackaby
There comes a point in your life when the Lord opens your eyes to understand what the Christian life was meant to be. It isn't just going to heaven when you die; it's dying to self on earth and allowing Him to live through you.
- Henry Blackaby
A word from Jesus changed everything.
- Henry Blackaby
if you love God, you will obey Him! If you do not obey Him, you do not really love Him, regardless of what you may claim (see John 14:24).
- Henry Blackaby
Divine truth is not something we "discover;" it is revealed by the Holy Spirit of God. As such, no other reality in the Christian life is as important as being filled with the Spirit.
- Henry Blackaby
At times emerging leaders limit their future possibilities by their impatience. They look for shortcuts to success, but God is methodical. He typically lays a foundation of character before building a superstructure of leadership.
- Henry Blackaby
Some people can be so disoriented to God that when he begins to work around them, they actually become annoyed at the interruption!
- Henry Blackaby
Leaders ought never to allow the least motivated members of an organization to set the pace for the others. Rather
- Henry Blackaby
The willingness to obey every word from God is critical to hearing God speak.
- Henry Blackaby
circumstances had altered, but God had not.
- Henry Blackaby
We were not saved from our sin simply so that we would qualify for heaven. God delivered us so we would have a relationship with Him through which He could carry out His mission to redeem a lost world.
- Henry Blackaby
If you want to determine whether God loves you, don't look at your current situation; look to the cross.
- Henry Blackaby
Whenever God reveals His nature in a new way, it is always for a purpose. He created you for a love relationship with Him. When He encounters you, He is allowing you to know Him by experience. Encounters with God are always an expression of God's love for you. Jesus said: "The one who has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me. And the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father. I also will love him and will reveal Myself to him" (John 14:21).
- Henry Blackaby