Quotes from Henry Blackaby
Even though Moses was an exile in the desert, he was right on God's schedule, in the fullness of God's timing, in the middle of God's will for that moment.
- Henry Blackaby
Baptism, worship attendance, and church involvement are all appropriate, obedient responses to a relationship with God. However, they do not create or replace the relationship.
- Henry Blackaby
There are far too many people who settle for practicing a sterile religion rather than enjoying a growing, vibrant, personal relationship with the living God.
- Henry Blackaby
Biblically, God always gives the assignment first. Then God equips the person by the Holy Spirit to accomplish what He assigns.
- Henry Blackaby
God always has a fresh and deeper truth He wants us to learn about Him.
- Henry Blackaby
Most fear is fear of the unknown. We do not know what lies ahead of us, so we become apprehensive. Our imaginations can magnify problems until they seem insurmountable. We need a sound mind to see things in proper perspective. That is why God gave us His Holy Spirit, to enable us to see things as God sees them.
- Henry Blackaby
Rather than focusing on what our church is doing for us, we ought to be asking what God is seeking to do in our church through us.
- Henry Blackaby
Moses had to re-check Gods' directions constantly. He obeyed God, spoke to Pharaoh, and everything went wrong, but Moses didn't quit. He went back to the Lord to clarify what was happening.
- Henry Blackaby
Some Christians go to great trouble studying Satan's ways so they can identify his deceptions, but I don't do that. I'm determined not to focus on Satan—he is defeated. Christ, who guides me and implements His will through me, is the victor. The only way Satan can affect God's work through me is when I believe Satan and doubt God. Satan will try to deceive you, but he cannot ultimately thwart God's purposes.
- Henry Blackaby
When our faith is based primarily on the wisdom of men and not on the power of God, we've just nullified most of what God intended for our lives. When our faith is built only on a collection of doctrines, we miss out on the Person who wants to be our life.
- Henry Blackaby
When God "chooses" a person for His purposes, He does so according to the person's heart! The person must have a loyal heart full of trust and faith. God must have a person who loves Him "with all [the] heart, with all [the] soul, and with all [the] strength" (Deut. 6:5; Matt. 22:37).
- Henry Blackaby
We look to the Bible but not to get ideas from what people did for God. We look to see what God did in peoples' lives.
- Henry Blackaby