Quotes from J. Vernon McGee
It is interesting to note that Israel cannot live in her land today and have peace while she continues to reject God. It is not Russia or the Arabs that are giving Israel so much trouble; it is God. Israel is God's chosen people. He is going to bring them back to their land someday in faith and belief. They are returning to the land today in unbelief, and they do not have peace. This is the evidence of the hand of God in the affairs of the world.
- J. Vernon McGee
Law demands—grace gives. Law says "do"—grace says "believe." Law exacts—grace bestows. Law says "work"—grace says "rest." Law threatens, pronouncing a curse—grace entreats, pronouncing a blessing. Law says "Do, and thou shalt live"—grace says, "Live, and thou shalt do." Law condemns the best man—grace saves the worst man.
- J. Vernon McGee
Our Lord...made it very clear that it is not your identification that is essential. We are to be identified with Christ! We are in Christ by the baptism of the Holy Spirit the moment we trust Christ as our Saviour and are born again as a child of God.
- J. Vernon McGee
The sin of David stands out like a tar-baby in a field of snow, like a blackberry in a bowl of cream. It may cause us to miss the greatness of the man. Remember that sin was the exception in David's life—not the pattern of it. The Word of God does not play down the sin of David; it does not whitewash the man. God doesn't say it is not sin. God is going to call it sin, and David will be punished for it.
- J. Vernon McGee
Notice that when the Philistines returned the ark to Israel, they put it on a cart. Nothing is going to happen to them for putting it on a cart. Do you know why? Very candidly, they did not know any better. God is not going to hold them responsible for this act. But Israel knew better, and we will see that God judged the Israelites because of the way they handled the ark. Why the difference? They knew better, friend.
- J. Vernon McGee
The biologist Edwin Conklin, speaking of evolution, stated that the probability of life originating by accident is "comparable to the probability of the unabridged dictionary originating from an explosion in a print shop." That sounds very unscientific, coming from a scientist, but it's true.
- J. Vernon McGee
The only place where the gospel is found is in the Word of God. Salvation is a revelation of God, and the Word of God is likened to the rain that comes down from heaven.
- J. Vernon McGee
The fig tree without fruit is symbolic, in my opinion, of the nation Israel. The owner of the fig tree expected it to bear fruit and was disappointed when it was barren. He had the unquestioned right to take the fruit and to act in judgment by cutting down the tree. Israel had been promised blessings if they walked in the light God had given them and curses if they rejected the light.
- J. Vernon McGee
Do you pray for your pastor on Saturday night? Don't criticize him, but rather pray for him. He needs your prayers. The Devil gives him enough opposition. You don't need to join the crowd that crucifies the man who is preaching the Word of God. You ought to uphold his hands as Aaron and Hur upheld the hands of Moses on behalf of Israel. My heart goes out to pastors who are in need of congregations who will stand with them.
- J. Vernon McGee
My friend, God loves you today. If you knew how much He loves you, it would break your heart—you would be in tears. Now you can keep from experiencing God's love, but you cannot escape it.
- J. Vernon McGee
Believe me, David had a checkered career. This is the reason he suffered—he let sin enter his life. But above it all was a faith in God that never failed. He wanted more than all else to have a wonderful relationship with God.
- J. Vernon McGee
From the line of Nathan came Mary the mother of Jesus. From Solomon came Joseph, Mary's husband. The Lord Jesus Christ received the blood line and the legal title to the throne of David through Nathan and Solomon.
- J. Vernon McGee