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Quotes from Derek Prince

The next principle is: to Moses' prayer of faith, God in turn responded with a new revelation of Himself. That was God's purpose: to bring His people to the place where they could receive the revelation that He had for them. I have summed that up in the little phrase, "Man's disappointments are God's appointments".
- Derek Prince
In every case, the road into unity is not the road of doctrinal disputation and discussion; it is the acknowledging of the Lord Jesus Christ in His glory, in His authority, in His headship and in every aspect of His ministry. As we acknowledge Christ in all that He is to the Church, we are brought into the unity of the faith.
- Derek Prince
Once you have placed your body on God's altar in total surrender, your body no longer belongs to you. It belongs to God. You no longer decide what happens to your body. God does. You do not determine what kind of job you are going to do with your body. God does. You do not choose where you are going to live. God does. But it is wonderful when He takes the responsibility.
- Derek Prince
The Holy Spirit's fullness, now being restored to God's people, will never again be taken from them.
- Derek Prince
Romans 14:23, which says, "Whatever is not from faith is sin".
- Derek Prince
Always remember, the essence of rebellion is the desire to be independent of God.
- Derek Prince
When you commit yourself to God's will without reservation, God becomes responsible to provide for you.
- Derek Prince
Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." The way of the world is to go about and grab everything in sight. The world makes material possessions — food, clothing, money, houses, cars — its objective. But in this new life, if you make the will of God your objective, God will add these things. That saves a lot of worry if you know that God is the One doing the adding.
- Derek Prince
What Jesus did for me on the cross contained all I would ever need for time and eternity—physically, spiritually, materially, emotionally.
- Derek Prince
One remarkable characteristic of Jesus' ministry, from beginning to end, is that He never made a hard and fast distinction between healing people's sicknesses and delivering them from demons.
- Derek Prince
Furthermore, when God chooses you to do something for Him, He knows you can do it. He never chooses you to do something that you are not capable of doing by His grace. Never run away from your calling out of fear that you will fail.
- Derek Prince
If you are a citizen of the kingdom of God through faith in Christ, you are automatically at war with the kingdom of Satan.
- Derek Prince