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Quotes from Derek Prince

Lord, I realize that I have tended toward the independence described in this chapter. Before I go one step further, I want to settle this issue with You. I repent, and I ask Your forgiveness for having this "boastful pride of life"—this tendency to seek independence from You and Your plans for me. I want to reverse that now. Lord, I make this declaration to You: By Your grace, I will live from now on in willing dependence upon You. Amen.
- Derek Prince
My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations." In other words, not only are we to pray, but our prayers are to be as wide in their outreach as the love and the mercy of God; the offer of the Gospel is for all.
- Derek Prince
When this happens, something "clicks" within you, and you know you have found what you were created to do. It is an instinctive, gut-level, spiritual experience. You'll know it when you see, hear and feel it.
- Derek Prince
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away." If we can trust God to give, then we must also trust Him when He takes away".
- Derek Prince
made it, who has established it, who did not create it in vain [tohu], who formed it to be inhabited: "I am the LORD, and there is no other." The product of God's creation was not tohu—that is, in a confused, disorderly
- Derek Prince
My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit: redeemed, cleansed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus. My members are instruments of righteousness yielded to God for His service and for His glory. The devil has no place in me, no power over me, no unsettled claims against me. All has been settled by the blood of Jesus. I overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony. Another one
- Derek Prince
We are never intended by God to stop short at an experience, a doctrine, a revelation, or a blessing. Thank God for every one of those things that we receive, but we cannot rest in them. Each one of them, in a sense, is somewhat impersonal and impermanent. What we need, in the last resort, is a person. And every true doctrine or revelation we receive will always lead us in the end to the person of God Himself.
- Derek Prince
In Psalm 37:5, David said, "Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it." More literally, the verse says, "And He is doing it." Two things are here required of us. The first is an act: "commit." The second is an attitude: "trust." The act of commitment leads to the attitude of trust. David assured us that, as long as we continue in this attitude of trust, God "is doing it.
- Derek Prince
In other words, God is working out what we have committed to Him. It is the continuing attitude of trust on our part that keeps the channel open through which God is able to intervene in our lives and work out what needs to be done. But if we abandon our trust, we close off the channel and hinder the completion of what God has begun to do for us.
- Derek Prince
If you have a bitter pool, bear in mind that out of the bitter pool God is going to reveal Himself to you if you will let Him speak to your heart.
- Derek Prince
The Bible speaks plainly about these forces. In fact, it has a great deal to say about them. It calls them respectively blessings and curses.
- Derek Prince
So, when you come to your Marah, your bitter waters, and you begin to grumble, realise that there is something in you that must be dealt with and that God brought you to that place so He might deal with that thing, but He can only deal with it if you co-operate.
- Derek Prince