Quotes from Derek Prince
The great evangelist Dwight Moody once said, "When I was a young Christian, I thought that God kept His gifts on shelves and the best gifts were on the highest shelves and I would have to reach up. I learned later the best gifts are on the lowest shelf and I had to stoop down."
- Derek Prince
Every word is true. It is filled with God's own power and authority.
- Derek Prince
At this point God taught me another important lesson: He would do for me what I could not do for myself, but He would not do for me what He required me to do for myself. God had responded to my cry and delivered me from the spirit of heaviness, but after that He held me responsible to exercise scriptural discipline over my own thoughts.
- Derek Prince
How do I know the will of God? Where is the will of God revealed? The answer is in His Word. The great revelation of the will of God is the Word of God. And the Word of God is packed from beginning to end with divine promises.
- Derek Prince
In a certain sense God has committed to every father the responsibility to embody, as a person, the ultimate revelation of the Bible, fatherhood. To be a real father is the most perfect depiction of God that any man can achieve, because it is the ultimate revelation of God Himself. In fact, every father represents God to his family. That is not an option! The question is, Do you as a father represent God rightly or wrongly?
- Derek Prince
I am not making any predictions, but the Bible seems to indicate that instead of the Palestinians taking over the West Bank, the Israelis will in due course establish some kind of governmental control over the East Bank. You may say, "That is not what the experts anticipate." Frankly, that does not disturb me! There is no situation in modern history about which the "experts" have been so consistently wrong as the reestablishment of Israel.
- Derek Prince
A curse could also be likened to a long, evil arm stretched out from the past. It rests upon you with a dark, oppressive force that inhibits the full expression of your personality. You never feel completely free to be yourself. You sense that you have potential within you that is never fully developed. You always expect more of yourself than you are able to achieve.
- Derek Prince
We are rebels at war with God. We cannot make peace with Him until we lay down our rebellion—
- Derek Prince
The blood of Christ is the visible, eternal evidence of the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf. When we come in the name of Jesus, we come in the merits of the blood that He shed on our behalf.
- Derek Prince
The decision that the man was to marry proceeded from God, not from the man.
- Derek Prince
2 Chronicles 20:12 NIV) Here are the key phrases: "...we have no power...we do not know what to do..." So they had to turn to God for supernatural help and they knew the way to turn. They renounced the natural to invoke the supernatural.
- Derek Prince
Psalm 33:6 says, "By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.
- Derek Prince