Quotes from Craig Groeschel
I knew we'd been out there on the water a long time when the sun began its colorful descent to meet the horizon.
- Craig Groeschel
Now, if you want to pray together about something specific, you might want to organize your thoughts by writing them down. Sharing these written prayer requests with your spouse can really deepen your relationship.
- Craig Groeschel
Serving isn't something we do. A servant is who we're called to be.
- Craig Groeschel
Paul wrote these words: "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through [Christ] who gives me strength" (Phil. 4:12—13).
- Craig Groeschel
Today I get to experience God's strength when I am weak. He gives me everything I need to do what he's called me to do. Rather than a busy, bad day, I'm going to have a positive, productive one.
- Craig Groeschel
In that moment, my heavenly Father said, "You are not who others say you are. You are who I say you are. And I say you are called to ministry.
- Craig Groeschel
You will battle with discontent until you let Christ be all that you need.
- Craig Groeschel
The lie will keep you living in shame from the past, when God wants to set you free for a better future. The lie will keep you from living with joy and freedom and confine you to a less-than existence.
- Craig Groeschel
Our family has agreed to increase the percentage of what we give each year. Instead of increasing our standard of living, we're increasing our standard of giving.
- Craig Groeschel
Nothing outside of a living relationship with Christ can ever fill the emptiness inside.
- Craig Groeschel
Fear actually relies on faith...it's simply faith in the wrong things. Fear is placing you faith in "what ifs" rather in than in "God is
- Craig Groeschel
The fact is, you can't marry the best when you're dating the runner-up. While you're searching for Mr. Right, don't settle for Mr. Right Now.
- Craig Groeschel