Quotes from Craig Groeschel
Instead of drifting away from God, you'll be firmly anchored, able to swim against the tide, offering living water to all you meet.
- Craig Groeschel
It simply means that within every man, God has planted a divine desire to fight for righteousness.
- Craig Groeschel
Suffocate the flames of envy with a blanket of gratitude.
- Craig Groeschel
Limited Resources + Increasing Passion = Exponential Innovation
- Craig Groeschel
You cannot change what you do not confront.
- Craig Groeschel
Being involved and being committed are miles apart. In our world today, most people are relationally involved, but few are truly committed.
- Craig Groeschel
The right choice was the more difficult one. Way more difficult. But as Jesus followers, we know it's best to choose hard over easy when hard is right.
- Craig Groeschel
Your best decision is the next one that will help you be the person God created you to be.
- Craig Groeschel
What do you do when you're in the valley? You remember what God has done. When he comforted you. When he guided you. When he answered your prayer exactly the way you wanted him to. And when he didn't do what you wanted, but sometime later you realized it was exactly what you needed. And you dare to believe that what he's done before, he will do again.
- Craig Groeschel
But their minds were made dull . . . a veil covers their hearts" (2 Cor. 3:14—15). Notice this: a veil that first covers the face eventually covers the heart. It begins as just a superficial covering, a temporary attempt to cover up a problem rather than addressing it head-on. But left unchecked, the hidden problem will become a serious spiritual condition.
- Craig Groeschel
You win when you quit trying.
- Craig Groeschel
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
- Craig Groeschel