Quotes from Louie Giglio
What can you do to "cool off"? Take a deep breath and say a little prayer. Ask God to cool your temper and simply show you what to do next—like mop up the milk, pick up the pencil again, and wipe your face. Learning to let God help you keep your cool during the little stuff makes it easier to keep your cool when the big things come around.
- Louie Giglio
Lord, when little things—and big things—make me want to lose my temper, help me not to sweat it. Remind me to ask You what to do instead.
- Louie Giglio
Jesus Christ has broken the power of sin, and God's invitation to us is to embrace a new mindset and a new way of living. In Jesus' name we are to think of ourselves as dead to the power of sin. In Jesus' name we don't have to let the voice of the Enemy control the way we live. In Jesus' name we don't have to give in to sinful desires; we can win the battle for our minds.
- Louie Giglio
Lord, help me control my tongue. Help me be careful about what I say. —PSALM 141:3 ICB
- Louie Giglio
You are alive in the Spirit, alive by the Spirit, alive for Christ, alive in Christ, to live the life of Christ so that He might be glorified.
- Louie Giglio
God has made a way for you and me, and it's not by having your own way.
- Louie Giglio
Without protection temptations can wear you down. But God promises to wrap you in His bubble of protection. Talk to Him and tell Him what's tempting you. When temptation tries to trap you, God promises to help you escape.
- Louie Giglio
I want my life to defy human explanation.
- Louie Giglio
Anger is not wrong. But if anger is uncontrolled, stuffed, misplaced, or given full vent, then anger can do us a lot of harm.
- Louie Giglio
Lord, I thank You for the treasure of the Bible. Please teach my heart to want to dive into its treasures every day.
- Louie Giglio
What God is doing is trying to help us see that there is a fight to be fought, a race to be run, something of eternal significance to be contended for. He's calling us to greater purpose, but he knows how easy it is to just eat a good meal, relax with a nice drink, and forget about the brevity of life on earth.
- Louie Giglio
Lord, I thank You for the treasure of the Bible. Please teach my heart to want to dive into its treasures every day. HOW GREAT! Before you dive into God's Word, say a prayer asking Him to show you the treasure He wants you to find. Then try looking for one of these things: a truth about who God is, a promise God has for you, or an action He wants you to take. Check out 1 John 4:8, Philippians 4:19, and Matthew 22:39 to begin collecting His treasures.
- Louie Giglio