Quotes from David Livingstone Smith
Before dehumanizing a population, we set them apart as a "race." That is, a variety of people who are fundamentally different from "us." The folk notion of race is very much an artificial construction.
- David Livingstone Smith
Self-deception is an indispensable element of war, and that despite the fact that wars are calculated and planned, there is a sense in which human beings do not know what they are doing when they cut one another down on the battlefield.
- David Livingstone Smith
Like it or not, war is distinctively human. Apart from the raiding behavior of chimpanzees and the so-called wars prosecuted by certain species of ant, there is nothing in nature that comes anywhere near approximating it.
- David Livingstone Smith
Unlike these verses from the Koran, references to dehumanization in the hadith compiled two or three centuries later have a distinctly anti-Jewish flavor. They describe how a group of Israelites were transformed into rats, how unbelievers are turned into monkeys and pigs, and how Abraham's father was transformed into an animal and hurled into the raging fires of hell.
- David Livingstone Smith
Slavery is as old as civilization, and has been practiced all over the world. It was ubiquitous in antiquity, and is taken for granted in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible (you may recall that Paul enjoined slaves to obey their masters "in fear and trembling" as they would Christ).
- David Livingstone Smith
Our feelings of sympathy do not embrace all of humanity in equal measure. Some human beings matter to us. We care intensely about their well-being. Others do not matter very much, and still others do not matter at all. This is a hard saying, and may be difficult to accept but it is obviously and undeniably true.
- David Livingstone Smith
Violence has followed our species every step of the way in its long journey through time.
- David Livingstone Smith
When chimpanzees embark on a raid, their behavior resembles a monkey hunt. They're out for blood—but this time it's the blood of a member of their own species. Based on chimpanzees' alert, enthusiastic behavior, these raids are exciting events for them.… During these raids on other communities the attackers do as they do while hunting monkeys, except that the target "prey" is a member of their own species.
- David Livingstone Smith
Science is a tool, and if we were an esentially kind and peaceful species, it would not occur to us to use this tool for destructive purposes.
- David Livingstone Smith
We exploit science to make war because we are warlike creatures.
- David Livingstone Smith
There are some truths that no one likes to hear, but it is precisely these that we need to pursue if we are to understand where war lives in human nature.
- David Livingstone Smith