Quotes from Alveda King
Protesting is good, but healing is better. We need to see America heal.
- Alveda King
Protest is OK. But protests, according to my King family legacy, should be peaceful.
- Alveda King
We're not separate races. There's only one human race.
- Alveda King
We must continually work to obtain and preserve the right to vote and future votes of babies in the womb, their parents, the sick, the elderly, the poor, all Americans.
- Alveda King
If black lives matter, then why is it that black women are more than five times as likely as a white woman to have an abortion? I think the womb that brings forth the black life should matter... Because black lives absolutely matter, what about the babies in that womb? What about that mama?
- Alveda King
I prayed often for deliverance from the pain caused by my decision to abort my baby. I suffered the threat of cervical and breast cancer and experienced the pain of empty arms after the baby was gone. And truly, for me, and countless abortive mothers, nothing on earth can fully restore what has been lost; only Jesus can.
- Alveda King
Abortion is not health care. A woman has a right to her body, but that is not her body. What about the baby?
- Alveda King
I pray that all polar opposites learn to agape love, live, and work together as brothers and sisters - or perish as fools.
- Alveda King
The absence of men in the household has caused people to not know how to respond to authority with respect. There's a major problem with the patriarchs having been chased out of the house.
- Alveda King
Coming forth, you've got to love each other and you have to have faith. And you never lose hope. Even when things are really, really, really bad - there's always hope.
- Alveda King
Walk and talk in manner of love or charity, for God is love.
- Alveda King
When the truth emerges, then we reconcile ourselves to truth and unity and in charity or in love.
- Alveda King