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Quotes from John Wycliffe

Christ's fishermen should not meddle with men's law, for men' s law contains sharp stones and trees by which the net of God is broken, and the fish wend out of the world.
- John Wycliffe
No man is to be credited for his mere authority's sake, unless he can show Scripture for the maintenance of his opinion.
- John Wycliffe
We all are originally sinners as Adam and in Adam, his leprosy cleaving faster to us than Naaman's did to Gahazai, so that even the infant, before it has seen the light of the world, has this blemish inherent in its unborn members.
- John Wycliffe
It is plain to me that our prelates in granting indulgences do commonly blaspheme the wisdom of God.
- John Wycliffe
The highest service to which a man may obtain on earth is to preach the law of God.
- John Wycliffe
The laity ought to understand the faith, and since the doctrines of our faith are in the Scriptures, believers should have the Scriptures in a language familiar to the people, and to this end the Holy Ghost endued them with knowledge of all tongues.
- John Wycliffe
The New Testament is of full authority and open to the understanding of simple men as to the points most needful to salvation.
- John Wycliffe
It is not good for us to trust in our merits, in our virtues or our righteousness; but only in God's free pardon, as given us through faith in Jesus Christ.
- John Wycliffe
Trust wholly in Christ; rely altogether on His sufferings; beware of seeking to be justified in any other way than by His righteousness. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient for salvation. There must be atonement made for sin according to the righteousness of God. The person to make this atonement must be God and man.
- John Wycliffe
I am ready to defend my convictions even unto death. I have followed the Sacred Scriptures and the holy doctors.
- John Wycliffe
Holy Scripture is the highest authority for every believer, the standard of faith and the foundation for reform.
- John Wycliffe
The higher the hill, the stronger the wind: so the loftier the life, the stronger the enemy's temptations.
- John Wycliffe