Quotes from Reinhard Bonnke
Those who forever seek the will of God are overrun by those who do it.
- Reinhard Bonnke
God has a thousand-year calendar with only one day marked on it. It is marked "TODAY".
- Reinhard Bonnke
Go for the purposes of God, and the means to fulfill them will follow.
- Reinhard Bonnke
The Bible is our fire-guard. Some read God's Word critically but the Word is their critic and by their own attitude towards the Word they condemn themselves.
- Reinhard Bonnke
We never do great things without trying.
- Reinhard Bonnke
The Gospel is 'Good News', not 'Good History', because when it's preached, it happens.
- Reinhard Bonnke
Faith is a leap into the light, not a step into the darkness.
- Reinhard Bonnke
No matter who we are, God does not adapt to please us; we always have to adapt to him.
- Reinhard Bonnke
It is said that resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for your enemy to die. There is no room for such a waste of energy in the service of God.
- Reinhard Bonnke
You have faith stories, too. No matter how small, remember them, recite them, count them, and celebrate them. They build your faith for what is coming next in your life.
- Reinhard Bonnke
When you pull up roots in order to fulfill a divine destiny, there is not a sense of pain or loss. Rather, there is a great expectation for things to come.
- Reinhard Bonnke
We do not first acquire the faith that we bring to Scripture. Scripture encourages faith. "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17).
- Reinhard Bonnke