Quotes from Paul David Tripp
Only when the greatest pleasure in your life is the knowledge that God is pleased by the way you are living can you handle pleasure properly.
- Paul David Tripp
The thought that any fallen human being would be able to perform his or her way into acceptance with God has to be the most insane of all delusions.
- Paul David Tripp
Humility means that each leader's relationship to other leaders is characterized by an acknowledgment that he deserves none of the recognition, power, or influence that his position affords him. It
- Paul David Tripp
In moments when you wish you knew what you can't know, there is rest to be found. There is One who knows. He loves you and rules what you don't understand with your good in mind.
- Paul David Tripp
No one gives grace better than a parent who humbly admits that he desperately needs it himself.
- Paul David Tripp
Self-reliance is a lie that leads you nowhere good. You do not have what you need inside yourself to live as you were created to live. So a God of tender grace comes to you in the person of his Son and offers you everything you need for life and godliness. In grace, he is ever with you because he knows you'll never make it on your own.
- Paul David Tripp
There is woven inside each of us a desire for something more—a craving to be part of something bigger, greater, and more profound
- Paul David Tripp
Dependency means living, as a leader, as if I really do believe that my walk with God is a community project. It means that because of the blinding power of remaining sin, I give up on the belief that no one knows me better than I know myself. Dependency means no longer being afraid of exposure, because I really do believe that there is nothing that could be known, exposed, or revealed about me that has not already been addressed by the person and work of Jesus.
- Paul David Tripp
We all tend to want to think we are more righteous than we actually are.
- Paul David Tripp
You are always looking for something to which you can attach your identity, your hopes and dreams, and your inner peace. Whatever controls the worship of your heart controls your choices, words, emotions, and actions.
- Paul David Tripp
This stunning act of humble love resulted not from Jesus's forgetting who he was but from remembering who he was. This was the holy mission of the Son Savior. He had to be willing to enter the lowest human condition, to do the most debased thing, and to let go of his rights of position in order that we might be redeemed. It was a high and holy calling, and it was the only way.
- Paul David Tripp
Scripture never looks down on the sufferer, it never mocks his pain, it never turns a deaf ear to his cries, and it never condemns him for his struggle. It presents to the sufferer a God who understands, who cares, who invites us to come to him for help, and who promises one day to end all suffering of any kind once and forever. Because of this, the Bible, while being dramatically honest about suffering, is at the same time gloriously hopeful.
- Paul David Tripp