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Quotes from Paul David Tripp

What we need most is a heart ruled by the Lord rather than by "evil desires." We need to be progressively freed from our slavery to the god-replacements that imprison us in self-absorbed pursuit of our own glory.
- Paul David Tripp
You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.
- Paul David Tripp
Prayer always forsakes the kingdom of self for the kingdom of God, and for that we all need forgiving, rescuing, and transforming grace.
- Paul David Tripp
And Scripture is clear—this is not paradise, and it won't be. Rather, this moment is a time of preparation for the paradise that is to come, where everything that sin has broken will be fully restored to what God originally intended it to be.
- Paul David Tripp
When good things become controlling, they command the affection of our hearts and then shape our words and behavior. When this happens, they take the place in our hearts that only God should have.
- Paul David Tripp
Since God is the Author of every detail of your story, since he writes into your story every situation, location, and relationship, then he knows exactly what you're facing and precisely what grace you need to face it in the way he has planned.
- Paul David Tripp
This season, in the midst of all the celebrations and gift-giving, be careful to remember that at the center of what we celebrate is one game-changing, life-altering, hope-giving reality: grace is a person, and his name is Jesus.
- Paul David Tripp
Theology that isn't zealous to promote forgiving and transforming grace, the kind of grace that changes your life, is simply bad theology.
- Paul David Tripp
Every time you make creative, interactive, and harmonious jazz with your Redeemer, whether in your home, friendships, community, church, or at work, while staying inside of his parameters, you are expanding what you touch to the size of God's kingdom.
- Paul David Tripp
Sexist leaders who do not respect the God-given gifts of women and who may even relate to them inappropriately have forsaken their ambassadorial calling.
- Paul David Tripp
That one special thing that you always wanted to accomplish never gets done because you lived each day under the tyranny of the urgent.
- Paul David Tripp
It doesn't take long in marriage bedore you realize that your spouse doesn't share your instincts. At that point, either you worship God as sovereign and celebrate the different way of looking at the world that your spouse has blessed you with, or you dishonor him by trying to rewrite his story.
- Paul David Tripp