Quotes from Paul David Tripp
A leadership community is spiritually safe and prepared for a long-term and productive life of ministry only when what is important to God is not just theologically important to them but also functionally important.
- Paul David Tripp
Successful parenting is the rightful, God-ordained loss of control. The goal of parenting is to work ourselves out of a job. The goal of parenting is to raise children who were once totally dependent on us to be independent, mature people who, with reliance on God and proper connectedness to the Christian community, are able to stand on their own two feet.
- Paul David Tripp
Often failure is the workroom God uses in our lives to reform us to be what we need to be in order to be more successful tools in his hands.
- Paul David Tripp
It is sad how many people constantly live in the schizophrenic craziness of eternity amnesia. We were created to live in a forever relationship with a forever God forever. We were designed to live based on a long view of life. We were made to live with one eye on now and one eye on eternity. You and I simply cannot live as we were put together to live without forever.
- Paul David Tripp
The purpose of God's grace is not to make your little kingdom of one work better.
- Paul David Tripp
De wet is er niet alleen goed in om ons gedrag bloot te leggen, maar ook ons hart.
- Paul David Tripp
It's natural to want mercy for yourself but justice for others. It's natural to be very aware of the sin others, yet blind to your own. If we are ever going to be people of mercy, we need bountiful mercy ourselves, because what stands in the way of our being a community of mercy is us.
- Paul David Tripp
The purpose of God's grace is to free you from your slavery to you so that you can live for a much, much better kingdom:
- Paul David Tripp
You and I weren't created for independent living. We were created to be dependent on God.
- Paul David Tripp
Sin is not just a matter of bad behavior. It is a condition of the heart. That's why you cannot free yourself from it.
- Paul David Tripp
if you're God's child, your life is never, ever out of control.
- Paul David Tripp
When amazing realities of the gospel quit commanding your attention, your awe, and your worship, other things in your life will capture your attention instead. When you quit celebrating grace, you begin to forget how much you need grace, and when you forget how much you need grace, you quit seeking the rescue and strength that only grace can give. This means you begin to see yourself as more righteous, strong, and wise than you actually are, and in so doing, you set yourself up for trouble.
- Paul David Tripp